Hello! Welcome to my blog! Whether it’s to learn delicious Lebanese fusion recipes, or enjoy photos of our beautiful food & culture …welcome.
My name is Basma Masri, an established lingerie & Fashion designer- that moonlights as a home baker & chef.
One of my favourite things to do is cook, have friends over & teach our wonderful recipes to everyone.
Lebanese cuisine is an amalgamation of Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, a pinch of Persian and other close by countries that sent their influences over the years. Its a wildly popular cuisine that caters for vegans, vegetarians, pescatarians & meat lovers.
'Our Table'is a place where we come together to share our food experiences, along with new and delicious recipes I've tried amongst my travels.
Food is a comfort, a social experience, well enjoyed and intertwined with stories of friendship, life and above all, love.
I’m blessed to have a wonderful family, that help & support this page, as well as the blessing that we have food to enjoy & share.
All of the recipes include calories & macros, so you know what you’re eating!
These videos are short, conceive & straight to the point. Why get takeout, when it will taste so much better at home, in your pj’s!
I’d love to hear from you, send me your requests & I'll get working on making & photographing them.
Together, we can conquer any recipe.
Please feel free to contact me anytime.
All my love,